Ed Doiron Honored by Company 5
on 55th Anniversary of Original Membership
Plaque Presentation at June Meeting |
At the recent annual meeting, the members of the fire company presented Life Member Eddy Doiron with a plaque recognizing his "many years of dedicated volunteer and career service in the Hamden Fire Department." By coincidence, the date of the presentation was the anniversary of Ed's application to join the company in 1961.
Ed served as a lieutenant in the 1960s and as the company's secretary from 1965 to 1970, and again from 1973 to 1977. As a career department member (1964-1993), Ed was instrumental in organizing and coordinating many fire company training exercises during the early 1970s through training officers Deputy Chief Daniel Hume and Deputy Chief Ken Harrington.
Ed's efforts also resulted in many out-of-town parade invitations, including trips to the Southern New York Volunteer Firemen's Convention Parade in 1973, 1974 and 1975. Ed's dedication led to a vigorous active membership during his years with the company.
Eddy Doiron joined the career department in November 1964. While a career member, he was actively involved with the department's rank-and-file bargaining units, serving as the first treasurer of the Hamden Professional Firefighters Assn. Local 2687, IAFF from 1979 until his retirement in June 1993.
In August 2010, Ed was voted to Life Membership and subsequently served on the company's Centennal Celebration committee. He recently completed three years as a Co. 5 trustee and continues to be active in company affairs.
Close friends and family members attended to honor Ed. |
Following the meeting the members had plenty of refreshments on hand, including this cake commemorating the 55th anniversary of Ed's application to join Company 5. (He was unanimously voted to membership the following month.)
Seated: Ed and his wife Peggy. Standing: Retired Batt. Chief Gil Spencer, Capt. Greg Bannon (Station 5 career officer), Gail and Victor Mitchell, daughter Judy Burke, ex-wife Pat, and daughter Barbara Miller. Pat was instrumental in forming the company's ladies' auxiliary and assisted in notifying members without plectrons of fire and activities. Gil, who is Co. 5's most senior member (1951), was Ed's company officer on Platoon 2 for many years.
New officers for 2016-2018 were elected at Company 5's annual meeting on June 28th. Mark Guarino, president; Peter Nizen, vice president and secretary; Sue Guarino, treasurer; Dave Johnson, asst. secretary; Mark Guarino and Tom Corbett, co-captains; Peter Nizen, lieutenant; Barry Bailin, trustee until 2019. Other trustees are Heather Cohen (2017) and Emily Corbett (2018).
A ceremony and plaque presentation for Life Member Ed Doiron followed the meeting, with plenty of refreshments.
June 2012
Russ Olson Elected Co. 5 Captain
Pete Mennone Re-Elected Company President
At the annual meeting of the Mt. Carmel Volunteer Fire Co. No. 5, held on Tuesday, June 26th, veteran member Russ Olson was chosen unanimously to be the company's 28th captain in 100 years. Following his certification as Fire Fighter II, Capt. Olson completed training and was certified by the State of Connectricut as a Fire Service Instructor and Emergency Medical Technician. He had served as a lieutenant in the company for the past several years.
Russ is married to the former Jessica Baker and is the son of Karl and Nancy Olson. Karl Olson was Co. 5's captain for over fifteen years during the 1980s and 90s. Russ takes over from Mike Bessette, who was captain for ten out of the past twelve years. Tom Corbett was re-elected as Co. 5's lieutenant.
Also at the June meeting, Pete Mennone was re-elected as Co. 5's president; Heather Cohen, secretary; Karl Olson, treasurer; and Ed Doiron, trustee for three years.
Posted 6/28/12
Capt. Mike Bessette presents captain's badge to Capt. Russell Olson |
Past captain's badge is presented to Mike Bessette by Past Capt. Karl Olson |
Mike served as captain of Co. 5 for a total of ten years. |
11/11/11 - Our Centennial A Very Special Occasion
Over 90 people gathered at the Hamden Elks' Lodge on Friday evening, November 11th, to attend the Centennial Dinner for the Mt. Carmel Volunteer Fire Co.
Hamden Fire Department Chaplain, Rev. Owen Sanderson of Christ Lutheran Church, opened the festivities with meal blessing and a prayer to remember those members who have gone before, making a special reference to Duane Wetmore, Hamden fire commissioner and past captain of Co. 7, who passed away on October 11th. Duane's widow, Sharyn, was among the invited guests, which included Mayor Scott Jackson, Chief and Mrs. David Berardesca, Deputy Chief and Mrs. Bob Surprise, former chiefs Paul Wetmore, Sr. and Tim Sullivan, Commissioner Richard Reilly, and Chief Wetmore's wife, Betty, who is a member of the Hamden Legislative Council.
A very special guest of the company was Jean Strain, granddaughter of the company's first captain, James H. Strain. Jean's father, James W. Strain, also a past captain of the company, served over 30 years as a career member of the Hamden Fire Department, retiring in 1973 as a Deputy Chief.
Following a fine meal catered by Zandri's Stillwood Inn, Mayor Jackson spoke about the significant contributions made by Hamden's volunteer firefighters over the years and the remarkable longevity of Co. 5 as an active company. He then presented the members with a handsome Proclamation (pictured below) honoring the fire company on its 100th anniversary.
Chief Berardesca addressed the gathering, thanking the company for its invitation and remarking on how Co. 5 has contributed quite a number of its alumni to the career department.
Committee Chairman Dave Johnson thanked his fellow committee members for their help in all of the Centennial observances held during this year. Centennial Committee members included Karl and Nancy Olson, Sue and Mark Guarino, Dan Brown, Tom and Emily Corbett, Clark Hurlburt, Gil Spencer and Ed Doiron. Dave noted that Gil Spencer had just completed his 60th year as a member of the company. He also noted that when Ed Doiron was stationed at Mt. Carmel during the early 1970s, Ed encouraged, inspired and instilled an interest in the fire service in many of the company's younger members at the time, several of whom went on to careers in the fire service.
A 12-minute narrated video presentation followed, chronicling the history of Co. 5 with dozens of vintage photos and some video clips. DVD copies of the video, produced by the Centennial Committee, were reproduced courtesy of Guymark Studios, Inc. and distributed to those in attendance.
Perhaps the best part of the program came last: In honor of Veteran's Day, program emcee Karl Olson asked all those who served in the U.S. military to stand and be recognized. Karl then introduced his wife, Nancy, who made very special presentations from Quilts of Valor to three of our World War II veterans, Bill Bossoli, Joe Rahl and Don Steele.
Prizes generously donated by Shirley Mangler and Gail Mitchell resulted in a successful raffle punctuated with a lot of laughs. (The five-horn guys did pretty well!) We had a great time!
To view some photos from the dinner, CLICK on the LH photo below. To see the special presentations to our WWII veterans and read the moving words of Nancy Olson, CLICK on the RH photo below.
Gil Spencer, Joe Rahl, Bill Farrell, Frank Fowler, and Tom Waite. CLICK on this photo to see more photos of the Co. 5 Centennial Dinner. (Photo courtesy of Frank Fowler) |
CLICK on this photo to read about a major highlight of our Centennial Dinner, held on Veteran's Day. |
Our 50 year old parade banner temporarily modified for the Centennial Celebration. |
CLICK to view video |
| Sunday, September 4, 2011
north annex of the Mt. Carmel Volunteer Fire Company was officially
dedicated in memory of Raymond K. Spencer. The occasion also marked the
36th anniversary of the original dedication on September 4, 1975.
CLICK on the photo to view pix |